Fears and Phobias

You may have had a fear or phobia for years or it has maybe just started recently. Either way, these can hold us back from living our life the way we want, they can be small annoyances or become debilitating for some of us. You do not have to live one more day like this, I have a gentle but fast and very effective method that can help you.

We are born with just 2 fears! The fear of loud noises and the fear of falling. Everything else has been learned. We have 'learned' the fears and phobias we have and I can help your brain to learn that the fear or phobia is not life threatening and you are safe from harm. The amygdala is a part of our brain that triggers the 'fight or flight' response. This is essential for our survival, especially when faced with danger, like stepping out of the way of an oncoming car or faced with a grizzly bear on your holiday in Canada. However our brain doesn't know the difference between a real threat and a perceived threat, so we can start to trigger that 'fight or flight' response just with an upcoming job interview, the thought of flying, seeing a spider or the fear of heights.

Whatever your fear or phobia, I can help you remove that from your life.

Fears and Phobias

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